Why the world needs to stop NSA spying

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Why the World need to unite to stop the United States NSA PRISM spying

The United States NSA/PRISM spying program is a threat to the world community and the world community needs to put a stop to it. We can not sit back and let one nation with 5% of the world's population dominate the rest of humanity by monitoring everything we do. It's bad for the world and it's bad for America.

There's nothing special about America or being an American

America seems to think that they have some special place in the world as if being an American makes you some sort of superior person or in a higher caste than the rest of the world. From America's point of view there are two kinds of people, Americans and foreigners. Americans making up 5% of the world's population and foreigners making up the other 95%. In relation to the NSA question American politicians seem to think that foreigners have no privacy rights and that there isn't even a debate as to whether or not America can collect any information about them. From the American perspective foreigners are a subhuman class. They are terrorist suspects. The Constitution only applies to US citizens,

We are all citizens of the world

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