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Computer Tyme / Junk Email Filter Support Wiki
Welcome to Computer Tyme/Junk Email Filter Support. This wiki will (hopefully) answer your technical questions about using the Computer Tyme Hosting system.
DNS Information
- DNS-Info - Moving in for web hosting and email? This is where you find out how to change your name servers.
- DNS Hosting Services Let us host your name servers.
Email System
- Email Users Guide - Configuring your email program
- Email Advanced Features - Advanced Features for users
- Email Administrator Guide - Creating Email Accounts and Aliases
- Switching Over to our Hosted Email - Understanding the Migration Path
- How the Spam Filter Works - Under the hood of our spam filter.
- Changing_your_MX_records_with_cPanel - If you're using cPanel select "Local Mail Exchanger"
- Changing_your_MX_records_with_Direct Admin - Select "Use this server to handle my emails."
Spam Filtering
- Junkemailfilter - Main Spam Filtering Support Pages
- Bounced Email - Why did my email bounce?
- Fixing Reverse DNS - How to fix your bad Reverse DNS (RDNS)
- Keeping Your Server Off Black Lists - How to keep your server from being black listed.
- When things go wrong - What to do and look for if your email stops. Emergency Procedures
- The Evolution Spam Filter - Our new Patent Pending Spam Filtering Process
- Concept Parsing Spam Filter - This could be added to other spam filtering systems like SpamAssassin
- When things go wrong - Problem than can occur when setting up spam filtering through us.
System Services
- PHP MySQL Administration - PhpMyAdmin
DNS List Services
- Spam_DNS_Lists - My DNS Spam Blocking Lists and DNS White and Yellow Lists
- Registrar Barrier DNS List - Information to return the main domain part of a host name and other lists
- Spam abuse - Our message to people receiving our automated abuse reports
- Project Tar - Project Tar - Reduce your spam and help us find spambots.
- Email Server Setup Tips - Best practices for setting up email servers to get mail delivered and avoid blacklisting.
Marc Perkel's Technical Rants
This section is opinion and technical issues and various rants about things that I need to talk about.
- GULP - How to write a General User Language Parser
- Exim Email Control Specification - Email Control Program I need Written.
- UN_Spam_Paper - My submission to the United Nations to help solve the spam problem.
- How_to_put_an_end_to_Virus_Infected_Spam_Bots - How we can defeat the Spam Bot Army
- ICANN_Philosophy - Philosophical Basis for ICANN
NSA and FBI Spying
Contact Information
The main support contact is Marc Perkel at []. We prefer email support to phone because you can send us error messages and details more accurately than by voice. Also - if your domain is down don't email us from the non-working domain. Use something like g,ail to contact us so we can reply.
Our snail mail address is:
Computer Tyme Hosting / Junk Email Filter 7498 Chestnut St. Gilroy CA. 95020 415-992-3400
If you are emailing us about a problem please provide enough information to help us figure it out in your email. You might also want to visit our When Things Go Wrong page. If you are emailing us that you aren't getting any email, please send us that email from a different domain so that we can reply. If this is an emergency please include your phone number in the email.